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Olivier Gossner
Sergiu Hart
Abraham Neyman
Pierre Andre Chiappori
Matthew Jackson
Myrna Wooders
Gabrielle Demange
Stephen Morris
Philip Reny
Françoise Forges
Jean Gabszewicz
Paul Klemperer
Xavier Vives
M. Ali Khan
Jaques Thisse
Margaret Slade
Claude d’Aspremont
Ehud Kalai
Eva Tardos
Rabah Amir
Davide Levine
Paul Milgrom

Drew Fudenberg
Michael Katz
Shmuel Zamir
Kyle Bagwell
Ehud Lehrer
Herakles Polemarchakis

Itzhak Gilboa
Itay Goldstein
Alvin E. Roth
Larry Samuelson
Luis Cabral
Eric Maskin
Andrew Schotter
Gary Biglaiser
Leeat Yariv
Hervé Moulin
Nicholas Yannelis
Muriel Niederle
J. Miguel Villas-Boas
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